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Event News

5th Technical Forum  (May 27th, 2011)
Great East Japan Earthquake Disaster and
the Future Trend of Energy in Japan
--- Lessons Learnt and Innovative Solutions---
Opening Address Earthquake and Tsunami− Observation at Deep Sea − 3.11 Disaster and Energy Situation
Director General, Institute of Industrial Science 
Prof. Tomonari Yashiro
Director, Underwater Technology Research Center, IIS Prof. Tamaki Ura Director, Energy Supply and Demand Policy Office,
Agency for Natural Resources and Energy,
METI Mr. Takashi Ishizaki
The Pathway for Future Energy in Japan Damages on power plants, lessons learnt ….and what next? Combined Cycle Power Generation--Natural Gas and IGCC and the Future
Secretary General,
Asia-Pacific Energy Forum 
Mr. Katsuhiko Suetsugu
Institute of Industrial Science Prof. Shozo Kaneko Institute of Industrial Science  Prof. Akira Hashimoto
Renewable Energy and Tohoku Revival Plan Future Energy demand and supply - Energy Integration - Emergency Electricity Saving Measures for This Summer
Director, North Japan Research Institute for Sustainable Energy,Hirosaki University 
Prof. Masayuki Kamimoto
Institute of Industrial Science Prof. Kazuhiko Ogimoto Institute of Industrial Science  Assoc. Prof. Yumiko Iwafune
Closing Address  
Director, Collaborative Research Center for Energy Engineering,
IIS Prof. Atsushi Tsutsumi
     ▲Convention Hall
▲Convention Hall Foyer                 ▲main conference room
 (simultaneous interpretation)             (rebroadcast)
Institute of Industrial Science
4-6-1 Komaba, Meguro-ku, Tokyo,
153-8505, JAPAN
As block B01